In this video Vernita Sherman of Virtual Marketing Media discuses the biggest mistake that small businesses make when trying to increase sales by promoting their business online.
All brick single family home located near the heart of downtown Columbus. The property needs about $20,000 in rehab, but after purchase + rehab, you'll be around 55% of ARV. Would make an excellent rental at around $700/month. Talk about cashflow!
Young Rucker Is a 37 year old ex-car salesman from Atlanta Ga. He is now one of the top mentors and sponsors for several online marketing companies.He is known for showing people how to use several web 2.0 marketing strategies such as youtube and myspace,to draw traffic to there website in order to make direct sales for what ever program that they are promoting.His motto,in which you here him say in all his videos is "Each One Teach One" He truly enjoys helping others achieve their goals
A perfect after-pub treat that you can crank up when the late films are actually worth staying up for. Sit down with a beer & get A perfect after-pub treat that you can crank up when the late films are actually worth staying up for. Sit down with a beer & get your pinny on & into the kitchen to rustle up some mouth-watering popcorn. Visit (more)