Written way back in January 9th of 2007 right after the Macworld Keynote where
"Steve Jobs and Apple Inc just kinda makes life more fun - it's like the exact opposite of terrorism..." - John Mayer at the Keynote
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john mayer said something today about a
apple bein a whole lot more fun than a
stick in the eye or bruise on the other cheek
well I might be inclined to agree
cos ain't no symphony
in the ancient, downtown, land of bam
and i find the little man over Iran full of
hubris and spirit spam
this ain't no time to cower and yet this
ain't no time to cheer
got a whole lot more fightin to do and it
ain't over a beer
it's a sad day for the muslim girls who
think they'll go out and play and find their
mom just got their stones all ready and they
won't be goin' home today
iranhr dot net
A video projection demo from the thirth shuffle edition, the audio is by a local artist, shishogan, and it is not the original audio bein' played at the ocasion.