Dr. Rosenberg's Laser Technology removes Betty's Viral SoresBiolase WaterlaseMD Laser Technology was Used to Remove Betty's Decay for the White Composite Restoration and the Laser was adjusted with different settings to Treat Viral Sores on her Lip -- All of this Treatment was done Without the Need for Any Dental Anesthesia -- No Shot, No Pain, No Fooling! I can rebuild a tooth or your entire smile using a CAD/CAM (Computer Design and Manufacturing) CEREC system with porcelain that looks natural and will last and last.
I specializes in Prosthodontics and Cosmetic Dentistry. With over 30 years experience, I use High Technology in Dentistry to improve smiles one patient at a time with personalized, gentle dental care. Using CEREC one-visit veneers, crowns or onlays your teeth can be restored with precision and the most tooth like appearance and material properties. Ultimate smile makeovers are done with CEREC, daVinci or Lumineer Veneers / Laminates. Invisalign (nearly invisible aligners without braces or wires) can straighten and align teeth. One hour Zoom! or ...