VampiresThis is simply a trailer for a fanfic called Vampires. It may have some pictures, but that's it. It's gonna turn out awesome though! wait in anticipation!
This story is about a girl named Katya. She has been hurt many times by boys, and she doesn't want to trust them anymore or even fall in love with them. Then, she meets Erik, and, of course, falls in love with him. Shortly after, she meets Lyon, needs to use her for a plan to get back at Erik for cursing him. Does she escape? Does she ever learn to trust boys again?
I would rate this PG13 because of a small amount of profane language and inappropriate (suggestive) scenes. None of this is visual, mostly words on a screen... your the ones with the sick mind lol
Also, the first chapter should be out very soon if it already isn't. It's called The Beginning.