Is Your Dog Food Killing Your Dog Is commercial dog food including the many so-called natural and organic dog foods killing your dog? The answer to that question is a resounding YES!
When Andrew Lewis learned from his vet that it was dog food that painfully took his loving 4 year old dog Noble at such a young age, Andrew went on a crusade to find out why in this day of modern technology something like this could happen. What Andrew found out will shock you.
Hi, my name is Neil Gerstein. I am a retired breeder of German Shepherds and dog handler of 20 years and when I watched Andrews video it just sickened me.
The scary thing is, the food that is killing our dogs, as well as shortening their life spans substantially is not only the cheap store brand dog foods as you might suspect. Surprisingly, many of the well known (famous) brands of dog foods, including organic & natural dog foods, are just as bad or even worse because they go out of their way to gain our trust.
Do me a favor and watch the video again and then head over to Andrews website to find out much more. I warn you though, you are going to need a strong stomach.
Click on this link to find out more plus find out which dog foods are safe to feed your dogs:
Please pass the word on to anyone you know who owns a dog.