Ignite your Success in Raw Foods with these Easy to Follow Instructions!http://www.RawAndFit.com Welcome to RawAndFit.com! I came to the realization that raw foodism was the way to live my life after both of my parents were diagnosed with cancer shortly after I returned from college. I was still in study-mode, so I hit the books, looking for a natural cure to their cancers. I read something on Wikipedia about a test that was done for patients with prostate cancer that totally reversed their cancer. Interesting, I thought. I started my study there, and I haven't stopped since! Interviews, reading countless books, personal experiments, EVERYTHING I could think of. Finally, I decided that this information should be free for everyone.
Raw food meal plans and sample vegan diets are a staple to the basic information everyone should get. I aim to offer high-quality content for living foodists, raw foodists, and anyone who wants to get their bodies super healthy.
I integrate yoga into my life and have never felt taller (and I'm only 5' 10" !!). My body is responsive, strong, and ...