"Caved In Stone""Carved In Stone", written by the incomparable late Jeffrey Hartgraves, is an absurdly fun romp through the twists and turns of the entangled wits of four dead iconic authors (Tennessee Williams, Quentin Crisp, Truman Capote, and Oscar Wilde). The hapless "rabbit", Gryphon Tott, shoved in front of a moving train then passing-on via celestial elevator to be tossed into this snapping "brier-patch" by premature demise, finds himself quite "down-the-rabbit-hole" in the great beyond and over his puzzled head. Be warned that this crowd will spur you to ponder, laugh and languish in the throws of battling wits from quick pundits in a sleek after-life world of pop-sixties splash against a stark Stanley Kubrick-like canvas. [Watch that celestial elevator for the shocking visitations by Judy Garland, Bette Davis, William Shakespeare and others!] And yet as out-of-his-element this "rabbit" might seem, he goes toe-to-toe with a Titan and performs one wicked twist at the end. ALL is twisted-- once you're in THEIR world. OPENS JUNE 19 at Theater Asylum in Hollywood, CA Go to www.carvedinstonetheplay.com for tickets and info