Electronic Waste Recycling: How to Green Up the HomeBrad Roderick, executive vice president of InkCycle, reviews electronic waste issues and provides tips for a greener home and family. http://grenkblog.com Roderick explains that almost 2 million tons of electronic waste were landfilled in 2005, and while toxic materials comprise only a small amount of this volume, it doesn't take much lead or mercury to contaminate an area's soil or water supply. Families need to keep this in mind when deciding what to do with those old electronic devices. Roderick adds that using recycled ink cartridges is a good start to greening up a home. Some other tips from Roderick are to recycle computers, televisions, appliances, cell phones and other electronics commonly found in the home. InkCycle is a Kansas City-based company with a green line of remanufactured ink and toner cartridges known as grenk. Grenk http://grenkblog.com is designed to leave the smallest evironmental footprint possible. More information about grenk and their environmentally friendly efforts can be found at http://grenkblog.com/. Follow on Twitter @GrenkInk