Allergic to the 21st CenturyFirst Cut documentary "Allergic to the 21st Century". Produced and directed by Anne-Claire Pilley, for the UK's Channel-4, it features Electrosensitives Sarah Dacre, Roger Moller (also an Electromagetic Surveyor) and Adrian Gray. Also featured are Multiple Chemical Sensitivity sufferers Andy Bracey and Gillian McCarthy who is also electrosensitive and suffers from from severe Myalgic Encephalomyelits (M.E. also referred to as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or CFS). MCS-International.Org was consulted prior to the making of this documentary for information on Electrosensitivity and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) and for possible leads on sufferers of these modern day plague illness who might be prepared to take part in the documentary. Having discussed these matters at some length with producer Anne-Claire Pilley, and having provided links to further important background material, we were happy to successfully arrange the initial meeting between producer Anne-Claire Pilley and severe MCS sufferer Gillian McCarthy during which Gillian agreed, despite considerable health difficulties, to take part in the documentary.
MCS-International.Org has had many enquiries about this documentary from interested sufferers since its initial showing on UK TV. Most of these enquiries where from sufferers who missed seeing it - and very much regretted that.
Consequently, MCS-International.Org decided, in the public interest, to put this documentary into the public domain under a banner of fair use.