#Juxtaposing American Presidents Part VIPart VI covers the Fifty/Forty Eight and Sixty Time Spans of this twelve part documentary series is laid out in eight timespans of Twenty Year, Forty Year, Forty Eight Year (fifty overall), Sixty Year, Eighty Year, One Hundred Year, One Hundred Thirty-Two Year, and Two Hundred Year, time Spans
In these time spans all the US Presidents are compare and juxtaposed in the following areas: alphabetical, astrological, genealogical, geographical, historical, numerical and personal data, wars to wars, peacetime to peacetime, depression to depression, triumphs to triumphs, deaths to deaths, births to births, deaths to births, Democrats to Democrats, Republicans to Republicans, Democrats to Republicans, Republicans to Democrats. Their are over two hundred comparisons in over two hundred and twenty one years of US Presidential History.