The Godfather of MKP – The Executive Committee! Quotes:
“I appreciate you Reid and appreciate the contribution that you make to the Project. I want you to understand that this is not personal, but business.” Chairman George Daranyi, attorney
“You need to unsubscribe the from any lists or websites you used it for. The mail from it is bouncing.” – Steven Judith, ex-cop
“The decision to remove Reid from the elder talk list … I did so as administrator of the elder list serves … I believe that I am the only one on the ex-com that is on the elder talk list.” – Gene McMahon
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men." Lord Acton, not on the MKP Executive Committee
“Personally, I’d be thankful if the Executive Committee members would let the local MKP Centers run their own New Warrior Training Adventure.” – NewWarriorMan, ex-editor of The New Warrior Journal.