Evan's Angels for Copenhagenhttp://greenmedianews.com Evan Kopelson really did it. He gave up his luxury lifestyle and took the plunge into sustainable living. He lives in a yoga pod in a communal environment. Now the countdown to Copenhagen and the UN Climate Conference is on with just days to go. Press credentials secured thru SmartPlanet.com where his journal "The Sustainability Journey" is published, he now needs "Angel Micro-Donations" to pay for his trip to Copenhagen, where his press coverage will be published on SmartPlanet. Evan's PayPal is info@greenmediaconsulting.com and he needs your generous support now. Please help him be the people's climate change journalist in Copenhagen, because he's walking the talk on sustainability. All donations will be acknowledged by a "plug" of your website or business, or a personal Thank you on Smart Planet and Green Media News.