Project Gotham Racing(originally XBOX game) on XBOX360.
Project Gotham Racing is the sequel to Metropolis Street Racer for Dreamcast.
The game has evolved but it has lacked the great musics composed by Richard Jacques.
BGM:Let's Get It On Tonight from Metropolis Street Racer through TVersity
Output:D2 720*480
195) Dale Geringer, PH.D.,, Kevin Zeese, #1, Director, Common Sense for Drug Policy,, ///
196) Kevin Zeese cont'd #2, Chief Strategist,
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch Pure Episode 10 in High Quality DVD format! Please don't ask for subs because I'm already compromised with a Sailor Moon project right now, but I promise to sub this series later! ^_^
NOTE: To receive updates on when Mermaid Melody will be subtitled, please visit my official site Bisesamo - Princess Serenity and join @
[Changes Between TV & DVD Version] - For some reason (possibly because of parents) TV Aichi decided to edit the opening of Mermaid Melody from the girls in bathing suits to them wearing clothes. This version is from the DVD, so it has the original opening, not the edited.
I love animating with Maya, especially Horses. Walk, Trot, Passage, Gallop... u name it. 4-legged creatures are difficult to do, but once you've done that, nothing's so difficult anymore - except maya of course - still struggling.
W o r k E x p e r i e c e :
B a c k g r o u n d :
2-D Animation (Feature/TV)
Music by Frank Wieczorek
Check out his website:
song 4 hussam al rassam about suffering of iraqi people under occupying & terrorists . ( don't growing bomb in street , growing rose . this your iraq was broken , tear on his cheeks etc )
Jack covers some upcoming film festival submission deadlines and interviews Krk Nordenstrom (me, the guy typing this) about the upcoming Seattle 48 Hour Film Project.