39 Warrior Sexy PvPFrom the depths of the Oceanic server Jubei'Thos comes....ZORUTO! The lean, mean undead machine twink powerhouse and part time janitor showcases why warriors are so damn fun to play! With his trusty Pendulum of Doom sidekick, aptly named 'Frank', he goes on a rampage of Arathi Basin, Warsong Gulch, Stranglethorn Vale, Tanaris and even some Arena thrown in there too! This ain't your average twink video that's for sure, so come on boys and girls join in on the fun and see why twinking is the newest craze in WoW! Golly giggity gosh!
NOTE: This is a video designed to focus on entertainment rather than LEWL BIG CRITS. I've tried to limit the amount of external buffs. No elixirs, no scrolls, and no Rumsey rums. Zerker buff shows up occassionaly but my objective was to beat multiple opponents WITHOUT any healbots so that the viewer enjoyment is maximized. My opponents range from 34-50+ , no lowbies were harmed in the making of this video.
Comments are always appreciated, enjoy!