Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Aslami Zikr (Allah Hu-Only You) "Remembrance of Allah" by the Sufi Master, Hazrat Khwaja Sufi Arshad Mah...Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Aslami Arshadiya Zikr (Allah Hu-Only You)
This zikr ul Allah is led by Hazrat Khwaja Sufi Arshad Mahmood (mz)in Keighley 2007
People in all walks of life are searching for happiness, peace and tranquility.
Black & white, old & young, each and every person wants to be at peace.
"Verily! Only in the Zikr of Allah will your heart find peace."
Quran (Surah 13: Verse 8)
Zikr, pronounced Dhi-kar, means remembrance. It is often associated with Allah to mean the "Remembrance of Allah".
Mehfils of Zikre are the gardens of paradise on Earth.
As the body needs food, the soul/spirit needs the Zikr of Allah swt.
As the person recites the word ALLAH swt his spirit feels and receives the blessings of ALLAH swt
Abu Darda (ra) said: "Those whose tongues are soothed with continuous zikr glorifying and celebrating Allah's praises, blessed be His name, they will enter paradise smiling."