Taking a (Virtual) Trip Inside the BodyNew technology is paving the way for doctors and researchers to study genetic diseases and plan medical procedures in virtual patients, much like pilots use flight simulators for emergency drills.
The technology is called CAVEman, which stands for Cave Automatic Virtual Environment. Projectors put images on four walls and users wear special glasses that create a 3-D perspective.
Dr. Jung Soh and Dr. Mei Xiao of the Sun Center of Excellence for Visual Genomics,
University of Calgary, discuss the technology during the Biotechnology Industry Organization convention in Atlanta.
Dr. Soh (whose name is pronounced Yung So) and Dr. Xiao (May Show, rhymes with cow) have developed projects for the CAVE system that can be used to examine the changes in the chemical makeup of the body after taking a drug, or observe the progress of a genetic disease.
To see it go to www.moreaboutthat.info, click on CAVEman and play or download the video.
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