How To Use Dr. Clark's Syncrometer To Cure Cancer Part 3This is the video that comes on DVD with Dr. Hulda Clark's book, The Cure and Prevention of all Cancers found at The video states for anyone to reproduce and distribute video as much as possible. Video is considered Public Domain, since all Dr. Clark wants is to get the word out to people that there are answers to all health questions. Learning to use a Hulda Clark Syncrometer takes a while, but one can research resonant frequencies in substances, living tissue, one's own body and so on. When you find a match for a pollutant in your body, you try to discover where you are getting the pollutant by testing food, water, living space until a match is found, and eliminated. The Syncrometer is an audio oscillator circuit in it's early experimental stages of development. Dr. Clark publishes the schematic and instructions for building one's own Syncrometer in her books. It is Dr. Clark's hope that others will take the science further, automate the device, and make it easier to use to benefit ...