Funded Proposals Using MLM Funded Proposals To Help You A funded proposal is essential to raise much needed cash for your Internet Network Marketing Business. In this way, you earn money up front to put back into your business.
Let me define a funded proposal, and what you use it for. I need to frame this first. Approximately 98% of the people you contact through your marketing efforts will not join your primary MLM or Network Marketing Business. Its just a fact. No need to worry over it, no need to fret, just a fact. You need to get over the fact that people will not want to join you in your opportunity.
So, we need a way to earn money up front quickly. The best way to do this is to earn money off of those that don’t join your primary MLM program.
The way to do this is through something known as a funded proposal. There are two ways that a funded proposal works.
You can sell something like an e-book or a marketing system to them that generates money off of the initial sale. ...