A New Canvas to Paint OnAre you excited about 2011? I am.This is a perfect time to look at your business and your life in 2010. Are you satisfied with the results you have produced? Do you feel you have been successful these past 11 months? Do you think you could have done better? Are you fulfilled?
If you had the opportunity to go back, what would you have done differently? What would you have done more or less of? Well, you have the opportunity, 2011, a new year, a new canvas to paint on.
If you want to create different results this coming year, you must change. What would you change? You do not have face a drastic change, just a small change. Plan a series of small changes. One change a month will go a long way. I promise you will produce different results.
Change has to happen in your mind first before you are able to implement it. It is not easy to change your ways especially if you have been doing the same thing for years and have been producing results in the past. It is important to see very clearly what the ...