Dead iPod Song (featuring iJustine)FREE mp3, lyrics, chords and more below:
What should you do with your iPod when it dies? Watch and find out!
Thanks to for all the iPods and for helping make this video possible!
Thanks to iJustine ( for collaborating with us on this! And thanks to Brookers ( for the cameo!
Get the free mp3 here:
Chords: Verse: G F# C B Am D; Bridge: Em Am; Rap: C B Am
within every electronic device
there lies a seed
dormant and waiting to be...released
somewhere between 18mos and 2yrs
it will sprout...and begin to choke the life out
and if you’ve got an iPod,
you know exactly what we’re talking about
you pressed the power button
and what happened was nothin’
iTunes won’t even see it
now you wish you’d warranted it
the Doom Seed has germinated
your iPod shall not be resuscitated!
now you gotta figure ...