Guitar Hero 5 Super Bundle UnboxingPL:
Oto film na, którym zobaczycie otwarcie caÅego zestawu Guitar Hero 5 + Gibson (GH3).
Zestaw prócz instrukcji zawiera:
- Gitare (korpus + gryf);
- Perkusje (drewniane paÅeczki, hi-haty, pedaÅ i caÅa reszta)
- Mikrofon;
- 2 odbiorniki usb (guitar and drums);
- Gra Guitar Hero 5 (PS3);
- i w naszym wypadku gitarÄ Gibson Les Paul (czarna) + odbiornik usb.
Here is a movie which will see the opening of the entire set of Guitar Hero Gibson 5 + (GH3).
Set apart from the instructions include:
- Guitar (body + neck);
- Drums (wooden sticks, hi-hats, pedal and all the rest)
- Microphone;
- 2 usb receivers (guitar and drums);
- Guitar Hero Game 5 (PS3)
- In our case, the Gibson Les Paul guitar (Black) + USB receiver.