SIN NIGHTCLUB GASLAMP JiMRock Live Downtown San Diego SIN NIGHTCLUB GASLAMP JiMRock Live Downtown San Diego - latina Girls asses and asian girls keep it crackin in
San Diego downtown gaslamp nightclub . night clubs are hot in West coast cali .(San Diego 2009) 442 special videos for daygo streets - Props to Samoan Irokk and to One Motion E. Kidd Entertainment Daygo Streets. latina Girls asses and asian girls keep it crackin in San Diego downtown gaslamp nightclub . night clubs are hot in West coast cali .(San Diego 2009) 442 special videos for daygo streets - Props to Samoan Irokk and to One Motion Ent. aka 1 motion Entertainment they do it big in San Diego. also props to 1 motion aka one motion entertainment and cals and Daygo boyz, they do it big. Props to Juice and sd Built, the Daygo rap Scene and Sin nighT club, Omar 10.0 & Kidd ent. and dripnwet, props to deco's belo, and Sin, On broadway and Savel, props to all the gaslamp clubs with latina girls dancing all night long taking shots. I love to drink @ parties and dance to the hottest z90 or 93.3 dj's in San Diego Streets, also Jimrocks gives much love to Sd hip hop rap
scene and the freestyle rappers and real sd south east rappers, Props also to GATV and Grand angel tv. and
props to TITOSTICKET that is a new show dropping from the IE.. parties girls and more. yha. DOING IT JIMROCK