Bluey, Bingo, mamá y papá juegan a un juego de marionetas de mano, en el que recorren las Montañas Azules y son más astutos que el descarado zorro para localizar las camas más blandas del mundo.
Two-Brains invents a Shrinkinator. The problem is, shrinking objects is easy, but restoring them to their original size is much, much more difficult./Interrupting the Botsford family's shopping trip, Tobey tries to impress WordGirl with his giant robots.
Priya Mishra sits with Bron Williams to talk about the issues of bias being common in the workplace today and her inspiration to take up this field of specialization.
Eikichi Onizuka, 22 ans, « célibataire et libre comme l'air », est un jeune professeur au passé douteux qui est nommé pour son premier poste dans une classe difficile ...
Ep.21 di 80 - "Un lutto improvviso" - A causa della morte di Antonio la tournee viene interrotta; Pablo e' sperso e Milton ne approfitta. Priscilla e German annunciano di voler formalizzare la loro unione e Ludmilla e' furiosa. Leon si ostina a rimanere lontano dallo studio e litiga con Violetta.