In Hyouka Episode 22, the series reaches its conclusion as Oreki faces the final mystery in the Classic Literature Club. Emotional and intellectually engaging, this episode wraps up the storyline beautifully. Watch now with English subtitles!
Bluey y papá se burlan de mamá por ser quisquillosa al hacer la maleta para ir a la piscina, pero, cuando llegan mal preparados, se dan cuenta de que mamá tenía razón desde el principio.
Two-Brains invents a Shrinkinator. The problem is, shrinking objects is easy, but restoring them to their original size is much, much more difficult./Interrupting the Botsford family's shopping trip, Tobey tries to impress WordGirl with his giant robots.
Eikichi Onizuka, 22 ans, « célibataire et libre comme l'air », est un jeune professeur au passé douteux qui est nommé pour son premier poste dans une classe difficile ...
Ep.22 di 80 - "Da soli o insieme?" - A Francesca dispiace dover mentire a Violetta sulla sua relazione con Diego. La situazione tra Violetta e Leon si fa sempre piu' difficile. Pablo da' ai ragazzi la notizia che YouMix non sara' piu' lo sponsor dello Studio e che non andranno in tournee.