Video Comment From: Mike KrumlaufKevin Bewersdorf.
A few weeks ago Krumlauf asked us what he was getting from us for Xmas and since my birthday is the day before his I asked him what I was getting for my birthday. He ended up having his mom ship me some cashews and his present from us was getting a walk through on how to get his videos into iTunes which we conducted over a video chat. We actually used a brand new feature of MySpace which is to attached an enclosed media file to a blog entry and then submit that RSS feed to feedburner and then submit that resulting RSS feed to the iTunes podcast directory. The little experiment seemed to work which means we now have to update our tutorial to this much easier process that even a 15 year old can do. Mike Krumlauf you rule!!!
Check out the Mike Krumlauf Video Podcast in iTunes or watch his other short films on his MySpace blog.
We always welcome video comments and anybody with a video camera or web cam can make them so to learn more check out our tutorial at:
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