Sneak Peek--Serious Person--Underground EyelashesA touching tale of evolving identity and self-discovery that feels both familiar and utterly original.
Precocious teen Gil (P.J. Verhoest) loves summer vacations at the beach with his beloved grandma (Emmy winner Polly Bergen), but this year Grandma's failing health requires a live-in caregiver. When a gay Danish male nurse, Jan (Charles Busch) arrives on the scene, Gil and Jan gradually develop a unique and poignant bond that helps them both grow.
A Very Serious Person marks the dramatic debut of legendary Charles Busch (Die, Mommie, Die). Leaving his drag attire behind, Busch will delight fans as the efficient and protective male nurse Jan, who isn't particularly fond of kids, but becomes attached to Gil when he realizes the boy may be gay, and is about to face a huge loss.