Silkin management group Blade Servers - The Leading Edge Of Servers Posted By: Lawrence White
Blade servers are modified server configurations designed to optimise the use of physical space by employing a modular approach. Essentially it is a stripped down motherboard unit, each of which, is a complete computing unit in itself, with processing and data storage capabilities. This is achieved by supplying electricity, cooling, connectivity and storage space through external chassis called blade enclosures. Each of these blade enclosures can hold multiple blade type servers. Together the blade computer server and the blade enclosures constitute the blade system.
The essence of blade computer server technology is that a single card contains the computer processor, memory (for example RAM), Input/output and permanent storage (in the form of flash memory and small hard disks). Hence server vendors are able to package a complete server along with its applications and operating systems in a single card. These cards are alternatively called a board or a blade, hence the name blade servers. These blades can then be housed in a single chassis and are equivalent to multiple separate server boxes. They require less space and have proven to be more efficient in terms of power requirement and convenience in server management.blade serversservers