Is the (Ambit Energy) business model not making u $$?
Call me Sherry Hayes 815-209-7319
#1 Income Earner In Ambit Energy Carlos & Ceci Marin
Ambit Energy is an ingenious concept that is turning the deregulated world on its ear in Texas, New York, & Illinois. Ambit will also be going into all of the remaining states as well as the United Kingdom & Canada. - save consumers a little money on their skyrocketing electricity bills and get paid every month when people pay their electricity bill. It's not easy but it's simple and anyone can do it if they are independent workers and apply themselves. It's hard because there is a degree of rejection involved and you have to face some preconceived ideas about MLMs with all the flim flam companies out there. But as Mary Kay and Prepaid Legal and others have proven. When you have the right concept at the right time with the right leaders,
Call me Sherry Hayes 815-209-7319