Sen. OrieCheck out Sen. OrieâÂÂs testimony on SB-1088. She supports the bill but has some concerns and is disappointed that the Senate did not include additional gaming reform in SB-1088 that overwhelming passed as amendments in the House which was included in SB-711. She supports these amendments but only one amendment addressed compulsive casino gambling. This amendment would make our Gaming operators put up twenty 1-800 GAMBLER get help signs throughout their casinos. This along with the other high-tech safeguards and provisions that are Gaming Law makes our casinos operators provide things like pamphlets and posters to educate about gambling addiction, a 24-hour-a-day, 7-day-a-week hotline that provides crisis counseling, and a self-exclusion program that problem gamblers can put themselves on address the obsessive casino gambling problem after one becomes addicted. So my question has always been, why wait until someone gets addicted? HereâÂÂs the tools that Gov. Rendell and our legislators given our casino operators to seduce their prey. 24/7 gambling, Free booze, Check cashing, Smoking areas inside, Comping and now interest free Credit. Can you think of any other industry in our country that operates in the same fashion? This week our House members will have another chance to save individuals and families in Pennsylvania from being destroyed by a compulsive casino addiction. All they have to do is vote YES this time for Rep. Clymer amendment on TABLE GAME legislation in SB-1088. His amendment will make our gaming operators, who already have in place with their REWARD/COMP CARDS a tracking system that enables them to send their patrons monthly statements showing their money and time spent gambling?