Redball 6 - The Machine is AliveThe exciting new release of Redball 6 coming Nov. 2007 from Atomic Pop Art and The Miller Bros.
Near Dis! No one plans to be there; almost everyone ends up there. A sprawling purgatorial way station for borderline cases, Near Dis is home to legions of minor devils, wayward angels, and countless human spirits eagerly waiting their final call to move either up or down the celestial ladder.
It's also a place where ambition, greed, and crime—including the dire crime of Spiricide—run rampant. Walking the thin red line between Hell and an even worse area of Hell is the NDPD and the elite Redball 6 Spiricide Unit. A coming together of cops both good and bad from many time periods and many places, Redball 6 tackles the biggest, most high profile, and politically sensitive cases in the district.
The Machine is Alive!