A Short HL2DM Spoof of "Here We Go" By Girls AloudA Girls Aloud spoof, "performed" on sf_sphinx2 (slew) in SourceForts 1.9.3.
The Charlie Vigor HL2DM / GMOD skins can be found here >>> http://halflife2.filefront.com/file/;57119
High Res. Download - http://wmg.evcitadel.com/video/music/Music_GirlsAloud_HereWeGo_720.wmv
We do not own the rights to "Girls Aloud" (and other "Polydor Entertainment" affiliated materials), and have not made / will not make any money from this venture. Copyrighted material used under Fair Use.
If you are the copyright holder and believe your material has been used unfairly, or if you have suggestions feedback or support, please contact: mrdougan@evcitadel.com