Aleya Dao Meditation Moment: "Turning Cancer"Cancer is an energy that has the capacity to turn our lives inside out, literally. When we move with cancer it is a teacher. Perceive this challenge through a new window. Daily Meditations Every morning Aleya tunes into the energy of the day and sends you a 5 to 7 minute audio file to your e-mail box. These meditations have energetic protocols and sound healing that assists you in moving into greater balance, clarity, and abundance in your life. Subscribe to Daily Meditations visit www . aleyadao . com Aleya Dao has a Masters Degree in Oriental Medicine from the Southwest Acupuncture College in Santa Fe, N.M., she is a Licensed Acupuncture in Colorado, and a Minister in the State of California. She is a Reiki Master and is also trained in Crystalline Consciousness Technique. Aleya is also the founder of the Dao Institute. *produced by Book Candy Studios ;-)