Lucille O’Neal Introduces America’s Most Inspirational MomBeing a great mom requires an around-the-clock effort. No one knows this better than Lorrie Wolfe who was named America’s Most Inspirational Mom, through a pursuit conducted by Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA). Wolfe’s ascension caps a nationwide search launched last November by Lucille O’Neal, BGCA and longtime partner Kimberly-Clark Corporation, which will yield her a full-tuition scholarship to University of Phoenix where she will major in Criminal Justice. Wolfe from Hickory, N.C. is a single mother of three including raising one child with Asperger’s Syndrome. She will soon celebrate her seventh anniversary as a domestic violence survivor. Her children have watched the family flee a physically abusive household with no money, transportation or job, to a safe environment in a loving home, with a car and food in the refrigerator. Regardless of her situation, Wolfe has always encouraged her kids to think big and to work hard in pursuit of their dreams. She works fulltime at the Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club of Hickory as a Project Coordinator with at-risk youth. More information can be found at and press materials available at .