Histo Cup WM-Pool Rennfahrercasting/Race Driver Casting "BMW 325 Challenge"Finale in der BMW Driving Academy Maisach, 17. Oktober 2015 Bekanntgabe des Casting Siegers Gottfried Pilz am 25. Oktober beim Autosalon Wels, Racing Show. The Final at the BMW Driving Academy Maisach, October 17th 2015. Announcement of the casting winner Gottfried Pilz, October 25th 2015, at the Trade Fair Wels Racing Show, Austria. In the past 18 years, the Histo Cup has grown to one of the biggest European historic racing scenes and is extremely popular with young and old alike. The pilots are fighting hard for positions; smoking tires and spectacular drift angles are on the daily agenda. First time in Histo Cup’s history, Michael Steffny, promoter of historic motorsport races in Europe, and Histo Cup Partner „WM-Pool“ arranged a race driver casting for talented young drivers at the age of 17 to 24 years. 162(!) talents applied and 10 finalists were invited to BMW’s home gr