The church of Pergamos was based in a city well known for its trough of knowledge because of its library, as well as its many temples to false gods.
The U. S. isn't the first place wanting to be religiously inclusive as well as educated, so those that think this is a winning combination might want to heed what God said to this church.
In this study, we first learn of the history of the city of Ephesus as told by the ruins that have survived the ages as well as the wonderful commendations given by Jesus unto this church. We are introduced to the Nicolaitans, whose deeds Jesus hated. We also learn of the condemnation and warning He has for them as well as the message to those church members who overcome.
In part 2, covering Revelation 1, four questions are both asked, and answered. Who is speaking, what is being spoken of, whom is being spoken to, and what is the timetable involved?
This begins a study in the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ by Dr. W. A. Dillard, an author, writer, teacher, retired pastor, and former president of the American Baptist Association.