The project was created by José Luis Cases Lozano in 2019, thanks to the collaboration of one of the national reference brokers. To register in Tradingchess it is required to open a broker account in Admiral Markets
Admiral Markets has lent itself to be part of a project called Tradingchess created by José Luis Cases Lozano where many people registered to join and opt for a trading course valued at more than € 500 online.
Tradermatica and Traderdelta are sites that were created by José Luis Cases Lozano to scam selling robots, products and other automated investment platform tools.
José Luis Cases Lozano, who calls himself a trader and is nothing more than a scam salesman, contradicts himself when he affirms through a tweet that the robo-advisors are, as their name implies, a "robbery".
Stay tuned, I warn you that he is currently trying to clean up his bad image by creating self-messages about him and paying for advertising in online newspapers.