The NarratorA narrative mini-series that unites music and visual drama based on real life events and musical narration from Jovan Dais. It stars Markice Moore (aka Kesan) and features Jovan Dais and super producer DJ Toomp (Kanye West, T.I, Jeezy) Kesan stars as a young hustla caught up between the flash and fame the street life has to offer and the harsh reality of the classic phrase "mo money, more problems". This hustla is forced to learn the hard way, after his family is brought into the mix. Not knowing who to trust, he is forced to act quick and save his family by any means necessary. Written and directed by Jovan Dais. Co-Directed by Adrian Jackson (Sky-High Media)Starring Jovan Dais Markice "Kesan" Moore, Dj Toomp, Deshawn Dais