Documentary of the 1979 AFC Divisional Playoff game between the Houston Oilers and San Diego Chargers. The Oilers beat the Chargers in San Diego despite having lost their starting QB Dan Pastorini, future RB Earl Campbell and leading WR Ken Burrough to injuries. The Oilers' victory remains one of the biggest playoff upsets in NFL history.
My Way マイ・ウェイ
フランシス・アルバート・フランク・シナトラ Francis Albert Frank Sinatra
ポール・アンカ Paul Anka
ポール・モーリア Paul Mauriat/
クロード・フランソワ CLAUDE FRANCOIS &
ジル・ティボ G.THIBAULT 作詞
ポール・アンカ PAUL ANKA 英語作詞
クロード・フランソワ CLAUDE FRANCOIS &
ジャック・ルヴォー JACQUES REVAUX 作曲
Mika Selander Blues Band Produccion: Mapa Musica para TVE Autor: Mika Selander Bateria: Edgar Ocaña Bajo: Pablo Alfieri Guitarra: Cesar Parras Teclados: Mario Garcia Guitarra: Mika Selander
This video is a little project I did for the town of Cicero, Indiana. An annual event, Lights over Morse, takes place on the Cicero bridge and gathers thousands each year. The Fourth of July is a big event for Cicero and I thought it would look beautiful being shot by a drone from the air! This is for anyone looking for fireworks from above or any fan of beautiful Morse Reservoir!
Dr. Michele Shermak, an expert in performing plastic surgeries helps you to flatten up your abdomen and gives you a younger look. To know more about tummy tucks in Baltimore click on the link given.