Time for another all day filming session, this time with a lot more moving around.. First up, the Keynsham brass band gives us their interpretation of a wide range of material.
In which the organisers save the heaviest band until last. Well, if you're going to blast out the speakers, better now than any other time. Let's see if we can get a moshpit going.
With two stages finished for the day, the remaining ones suddenly have twice as much security at the front. This does not make me feel more secure, oddly enough. Let's see if the rest of the crowd are keeping their enthusiasm up.
In which it buckets down between the bands, only to clear up again when they start playing. I think that's a positive sign, really. Who cares if our shoes get a little wet.
Another case where I only catch the final song of the act, unfortunately. It is, however, a very long final song. Hopefully that'll be enough for you to get a good idea about the band anyway.
In which we prove it's never too early to get kids into dinosaurs. Hook 'em young and they'll be yours for life. And unlike smoking, there are no known drawbacks to this.
In which I rest my feet for a bit, despite the music inviting me quite hard to dance. Still plenty of acts to go, after all. Wouldn't want to run out of juice too soon.
The more you move around, the more important it is to have all straps and wires firmly secured, as we discover here. Oh well, let's just make it part of the performance.
My wanderings reveal even more familiar faces than I was expecting today. This is the 4th band I've seen Sophie in now. Maybe I ought to do a compilation reel. Shame I can't stick around to enjoy this a little longer.
In which we deal with our first power outage of the day. Oh no, it's only the drummer knocking the plug out. Let's get back to the action as quickly as possible.
With 4 stages going at once, it's inevitable that there'd be a few last minute cancellations and reshuffles making the printed program inaccurate. Fortunately, I remember exactly who these two girls are.
Time for the start of another all-day filming marathon. Keynsham may not have much of a music scene, but the yearly festival always gets a good turnout even when the weather is unpredictable. And at least the first act are hometown boys. Let's see if they've got what it takes to take on the world.