False Comment #12 Sealing pays our bills - Its a livelihood - DFO Seal Hunt Lies and MythsSeal beaters justify atrocities by attempting to say it obtains them money, or it's their livelihood, or that it puts food on the table, so the horrors they commit should be perpetuated. This is False.
Just because something is done to obtain money, does not make it right. There are those who exploit children forcing them into prostitution for money. That's their livelihood too, but that does not mean it is right.
Drug Pushers seed communities and entice youths with heroin and methamphetamines, that is the livelihood that provides money for some in certain poor communities, yet this does not mean it should be praised as such a fine livelyhood.
Dogfighters ply their abhorrent trade to earn money, scammers defraud the elderly and get funds that put food on grifters tables, yet this does not excuse it.
Poachers using snare traps to kill animals and massacre them for their horns and their ivory tusks to sell pieces of their bodies for money probably feeds poor poachers and their associates, however this ...