BeerdMan up faggot! Beerd is a product that has been brought to you by Chris, Aaron, Tom, and Cow. We believe Beerd is the correct choice for any "Baby-Faced" men. All the consumer is required to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy the ice-cold Beerd. It is great tasting, highly effective, and the perfect solution to becoming less of a girl and more of a man. The lumberjack on the front of the bottle is a perfect demographic for our product because you can't get any manlier than a bearded lumberjack. We believe that if you are living a life without a beard, you aren't really living at all, which is why you need to buy our product and get your life on track. We spent millions of dollars in research and have come up with the most spectacular commercial known to mankind.
*product has varied results among users (usually no beard is actually grown but your thirst will be quenched without a doubt).