20% on RBCAA Tim Alerts Short Stocking Play by Timothy Sykeshttp://TIMalertsexposed.com http://TIMalertsexposed.com/getstarted http://CitronResearch.com Timothy Sykes lates short stocking short selling tim alerts winner is RBCAA, Republic Bancorp, Inc. that was found out for Tax Fraud. Tim sent the alert out and it gained over 20% The stock dropped $2/share smack into the market close as thousands of loyal Citron subscribers–Andrew’s got a great track record–jumped in short! Well, I know Tim’s timing is usually off, so I held overnight. I just covered at 19.44 for a 20.77% profit after commissions. Thanks Tim! -KT I shorted @ 23.39 and covered at 22.50 near the close. Thanks Tim..!! -MG I got out at $22.95. Made $110. Thanks Tim -Stussy rode this one to $22.60 - made $120 on my SMALL position! not bad for 20 minutes -Jeremy In at 23.56, out at 22.49 just before the bell. Not bad. Sorry it didn’t work out for you, Tim. -Akurtz Timothy Sykes Penny Stocking Investment Newsletter TIMalerts is the best short bias short selling stock ...