Dylan Panek-Stairway to Heaven(Led Zeppelin cover) me jamÃÂmin to "StairÃÂway to HeavÃÂen"by "Led ZepÃÂpelin".I knew how to play the soÃÂlo once like 3 years ago but i forÃÂgot most of it so i just imÃÂprov jammed most of it when it came time to soÃÂlo.I've had this on my comÃÂputÃÂer for 3 or 4 weeks but was havÃÂing softÃÂware probÃÂlems so i couldn't edÃÂit it unÃÂtil toÃÂday.buy my cd at www.cdÃÂbaÃÂby.com/dyÃÂlanÃÂpanek beÃÂcome a fan on faceÃÂbook http://www.faceÃÂbook.com/pages/DyÃÂlan-âÂÂPanek/193925457230?ref=ts alÃÂso add me on youtube at www.youtube.com/booÃÂbooi