Chocolate Chili Souffle (HHTV)Spiciness and chocolate may be trendy, but the Mexican cuisine has embraced it in the form of Mole sauce for a long time, and xocolatl ("Bitter Water") goes all the way back to the Aztec empire!
In the spirit of "everything old is new again," Healthy Helpings TV's host Michelle Koen brings a dessert that packs a subtle, delicate tingle behind a fluffy cloud of chocolate decadence.
But a souffle? Don't worry, wichelle will help you confront this intimidating dish which is equal parts science and desert. Will it rise? Will it fall?
The soufflé is the ultimate in fat free deserts. It's light and fluffy texture oozes indulgance and it's a great way to get through those egg whites you bought with good intentions too.
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