This is my 3rd Yossie Tribute and most recent. I think I might make another one for Yossi's graduation, but I'm not sure yet. The song used for the actual OPV part of this OPV is Haru Beautiful Everyday and it is sung by Kamei Eri and Mitsui Aika. The song on the credits is Sono Deai no Tame ni and it is sung by Yoshizawa Hitomi. Both songs are from Morning Musume's newest album Sexy 8 Beat! Very good cd... anyways enjoy this OPV.
A Kanon AMV with the song "Aruiteru" by Morning Musume.
There's a story that goes along with it too.
I'll PM it to you if you want. =]
The video follows the lyrics as close as I could manage.
The PV for Morning Musume's 33rd single Kanashimi Twilight! This is a great PV!! I love the song and I just love their elfits. It's just too sad that this is Yossie's last PV.. T.T But I think it's a good PV to go out with. With that said enjoy the PV!!
H!M 20070401. Final episode of Hello! Morning. Don't panic. They're cutting it short to 20 minutes and the show will now be called "Haromoni@". To keep up with the latest news of Hello! Project, Morning Musume and Japanese Entertainment in general, go to
This is basically a fancy slideshow to Genki+, my favorite song on Morning Musume's new album Sexy 8 Beat. It's a combination of concert shots and regular photos timed to match the music and people singing.
Note: I consider myself to have a pretty good ear for the girls voices, but I couldn't always tell who was singing in this song, so the pics to the voices may not always be right. Also, I'm sure there are more than one person singing many of the lines but I picked the one that stood out the most for the pic. I couldn't hear Yossi or Aika at all, so no concert photos of them singing.
Anyway, hope you enjoy this! It was my first video.
H!M 20070325. World Petit Games: Yanagisawa Shingo as Guest
Hello! Morning: Fan Chosen Best 100 Wanna See Again Moments - Part 1
Feature: Buura-Buura Battle
Performance: Melon Kinenbi - "Unforgettable"
News Corner: Face-to-face Presentation of New 8th. Generation Members to Morning Musume (JunJun & LinLin) - Rehearsals along with the Group
Behind the scenes of Morning Musume Secret Festa Uta Doki! corner. Also parts of the MC with Takahashi, Michishige, Miyoshi and Okada.
Credit: draven @ H!O