Hitteki KouyuuSo this is one of those infamous first AMVs. It's something that started back in March when my roommate at the time told me that I should make an AMV since we had a big discussion about it. I started the project and didn't get far into it when I figured out that in order to make it halfway decent I was going to have to invest a good chunk of time. So the project went onto a virtual shelf to collect dust until I had more time to invest into it. Summer finally arrived and I was able to get back at the thing.
So here we are now after a good solid two months of finding the right clips, trimming them, sound editing, and waging war with windows movie maker, and we have a completed project. Then ending still doesn't completely make me happy but oh well.
Anyways, the song is Breath by Breaking Benjamin and the anime is Naruto. Hope you enjoy. ^_^