The KGB ConnectionsThis documentary focuses on Soviet espionage in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean - by KGB officers operating as businessmen, diplomats, and officials of the United Nations.
It shows the use of propaganda and disinformation to distort America's perception of reality. Also shown is the use of se(ks), blackmail, bribery, sabotage, and assassination to accomplish Soviet objectives within larger nations.
One of the most fascinating features is the use of hidden cameras to obtain such astounding scenes as: a KGB agent employed by the UN calling an American military man on the phone to tell him where to drop stolen defense secrets: a nervous KGB operative giving evasive and incriminating answers to a reporter standing at the operative's front door: and scenes of American businessmen circumventing the law to sell high technology to the Soviets.
Included is the testimony of twenty defectors, some speaking with disguises to conceal their identity because they are still hiding from their pasts and fearful of the KGB's revenge.