How to set the number of records showed on each page in table grid? (Mac)Navicat allows you to set the number of records shown on each page of the table viewer. In this tutorial, we will show you how to set the Limit Record Settings for an individual table and for all tables. First, open the table to set the record limit for that table. Click the “Limit Record Settings” button and input the number of records allowed to be displayed in each page and press Enter. By default, it is set to 1000. After that, you can click the “Next Page” button to show the next page of records. To set the Limit Record Settings globally, simply select “Preferences” from Navicat’s main menu. In “Preferences”, select the “Grids” tab. Then, enable the “Limit records” option and enter the number of records per page value. For our example, we will enter 3 as the value. Now, open a table and it will show only 3 records per page. Please note that global settings will not affect tables with individual Limit Record Settings.