Blacks are raping and killing USA; the next South Africa Glenn Beck failed to mention that these black savages also cut the male's genitalia off whilst he was alive as part of the torture and mutilation. Africans (12% of U.S. population) account for over 80% of **** and murder crimes in USA. The "justice" system and jewish owned media monopoly never report the extent of the crime epidemic happening against Whites because Whites are not a "special interest" group with scumbags like jesse jackson and al sharpton. The White race is being constantly beaten, bashed and ****d, and we just take it... it's time to stand up for our survival before it's all over. A kenyan president should be a big enough wake up call to arms. Black on White crime is never reported as hate crime or racism, because the jewish owned media / zionist occupied government wants to indoctrinate the public into thinking only Whites can be racist... because they have an agenda to eradicate us. We are at war... it's high time we started fighting.