Naruto "Spring Awakening" Part 7: "Word of Your Body"The seventh installment of my Naruto "Spring Awakening" Series!
Hey look! It's ShikaTema! I apologize if this isn't the favorite couple of perhaps half(?) of Naruto fans... but (1) I like the couple and (2) it fit the casting better! I admit that this part was relatively easy to make and is a tad dry. However (and I apologize to die hard Spring Awakening fans) this is a rather dry song in the show. Enjoy!
1. Did I mention ShikaTema?
2. I know that they don't really end up doing anything except almost kissing... but you'll get some pretty risque ShikaTema in about 4 parts from now... really risque... I'm not even sure how I'll be able to do it... (I'll definitely need feedback on what people think I should do for that seen... Spring Awakening fans will know what I'm talking about)
3. Poor Shikamaru!
4. The next part, "The Dark I Know Well", features a duet by Sakura and Hinata! Hooray!